HSE Policy

Comfonomics Design Ventures(CDVL) believe that the Health, Safety and Welfare of its employees and others affected by its operations should have equal importance to quality, cost, production and morale.
CDVL acknowledges and accepts its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its employees. Comfonomics endorses the concept that this responsibility cannot be discharged passively but requiresthe active effort and support of every level of management through constant training and supervision of itsemployees and through continued review of its construction methods with special attention to :-
Ø The provision and maintenance of plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to any person
Ø Safe arrangements for the handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances
Ø Sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to avoid hazards and contribute positively to their Health and Safety at work
Ø Adequate communication of information, instruction and supervision will also be provided to avoid injury to any other persons likely to be affected.
Ø Provide the organizational set up to achieve this.
Ø Comply with all the requirements of International and local standards as they pertain to safe and healthy working conditions on the construction sites. Provide employees with necessary and approved personal protective equipment and enforce their use.
Ø Establish and maintain a system for continual awareness of safety habits and techniques through trainings, periodic meetings and constant supervision.